Safety guarantee
When purchasing a Comfortzone exhaust air heat pump, in addition to the 2-year product warranty, a security guarantee for private individuals is included, which means an additional 4 years of protection against machine damage. For legal entities such as BRF, a 3-year security guarantee is included.
The security guarantee is a supplement to your home insurance or equivalent insurance for a legal entity and, according to the condition below, replaces the deductible and the age depreciation you yourself have to pay to your home insurance company in the event of compensable so-called mechanical damage to your heat pump.

Check that your home insurance really covers machine damage. This security guarantee is only applicable when the insurance company has paid out compensation and made deductions for deductibles and depreciation. The safety guarantee does not apply to damage where the cost of repair is less than the applicable deductible on the insured’s home insurance or similar.
The safety guarantee can then be extended further up to 18 years with our partner Arctic.
When the heat pump approaches the end of year 6, Arctic will send an offer to take out insurance (year 5 for legal entities). As the owner of a Comfortzone, you can also contact Arctic directly for information or to start insurance.
Arctic telephone 08-7460560
More about the Comfortzone product warranty can be found in the installation and user manual.