Product warranty
When you buy a Comfortzone heat pump, you get 18 years of product reliability! (applies to private persons). We provide a 6-year warranty and after that you have the option of taking out security insurance with our partner Arctic up to 18 years from the date of manufacture.
2 year factory warranty from date of manufacture or date of installation, however a maximum of 2 years and 3 months is left on heat pumps unless otherwise agreed. After that, our security guarantee kicks in and reimburses you for insurance costs in the event of damage to the heat pump, see below. The installation date must be confirmed with documentation from the installer. The installation must be carried out in a professional manner.

The product warranty applies to material and manufacturing defects on the product that occur within the warranty period. The guarantee is valid in Sweden. The warranty does not cover installation of the heat pump and/or resulting errors or defects which can be derived from the installation. For peripheral equipment and other products, we refer to the respective manufacturer’s own warranty conditions.