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Environmental and quality policy

Quality policy

  • High quality must always be characteristic of ComfortZone’s products and services and must thereby constitute a decisive factor when choosing a heat pump
  • We shall deliver the customers’ demands for product and service quality
  • The production of heat pumps must be constantly improved. Our vision is always 0% wrong
  • All customers must be treated with respect and dignity
  • We stand by our promises. A satisfied customer is a good customer
  • Quality is the concern and responsibility of all ComfortZone employees

Environmental policy

  • ComfortZone AB is an environmental company
  • Our products contribute to reducing emissions of carbon dioxide
  • Our products contribute to reduced energy use
  • New products must be energy efficient, environmentally friendly and use renewable energy to the greatest extent possible
  • Our transports must be handled by environmentally certified companies
  • Included components in our heat pumps must cause minimal environmental impact
  • Environmental thinking pervades our operations, from factory employee to CEO
  • The CEO has overall responsibility for compliance with and development of our environmental policy
  • Environmental work continues constantly


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